How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news...
Isaiah 52:7

The Compelling Preaching Initiative—funded by Lilly Endowment Inc.—is designed to foster more compelling preaching by cultivating practices among aspiring and active preachers that would help them to proclaim the Christian gospel to diverse audiences in more engaging and effective ways. 

The initiative launched in 2022 with an invitational round of grants to over 30 seminaries, denominations, universities, and other non-profit organizations. It later expanded with a national competition resulting in 81 additional grants in 2023 and 29 additional grants in 2024.

The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship at Calvin University is supporting the initiative through the Compelling Preaching Coordination Program.  Funded by Lilly Endowment, the coordination program nurtures a culture of mutual learning among grantees in the initiative, supports grantees in finding expertise needed for the flourishing of their programs, convenes grantees for mutually beneficial learning, and articulates learning emerging out of participating organizations for dissemination to wider audiences.

To see summaries of all 142 funded projects.

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To search a vast range of online resources related to sermon preparation, visit Zeteo Preaching and Worship.

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To see information about preparing a small grant proposal to Calvin Institute of Christian Worship in its Vital Worship, Vital Preaching Grants Program.

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